If you're around the capital this week go and see some art and this fabulous gallery Artdog run by the wonderful Pippa Graber. It's a bit of a gem and you might see a couple of pieces of my work too!
artdog gallery, 23 Brockley Rise, London, SE23 1JG
07903 194 591

BROCKLEY MAX - mixed exhibition May 27th to June 4th Racheal Dazell will be on the walls and sculpture will fill the rest of the gallery! This is our second year participating in this local festival. We will be concentrating on sculpture by local and other UK artists as well as exhibiting art from some of our regular exhibitors. Local Artists include: Eryka Isaak - Glass, Catherine MacLeod - Ceramics, Annie Antione-Ceramics Othe Artists: Iain Nutting-Welded Metal & Joanne Mitchel l-Studio Glass